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Fortune 500 Company: Grow Share Locally

How Might We...

How Might We...

Make our client's brand portfolio more relevant and resonant in strategic growth markets?


Our client, the strategy and planning team, had performance data reflecting volume stagnation and decline across multiple brands in the same key cities, but they could not identify the cause. Many of the client's brand leaders were people who rotated into the US business from other countries. There was a strong hunch that many of the new leaders didn't understand the local culture, the nuance & what moves the needle with consumers.


We did a deep dive into local culture—bridged connections with local culture creators in our network, brought in a team of cultural anthropologists, added classically trained qualitative consumer researchers to interview consumers who shop our client's categories, and leveraged our brand innovation strategists to collate in market learning and provide growth opportunities.

We interviewed local consumers to mine where and how they connect with brands, retail, and culture. Our cultural anthropologists studied their local markets and storyboarded tangible examples of how to connect with consumers that spoke to their attitudes, beliefs and behaviours. We mined client share and performance data, identified gaps and researched options to expand channels, activations, and more.

Fortune 500 Company: Grow Share Locally
Fortune 500 Company: Grow Share Locally


"People do not buy goods and services, they buy relations, stories and magic", said Seth Godin.

In every market and across every mode of research conducted, it was clear that the bar is higher than ever before for every brand's identity, communications, experiences, and contributions. Consumers require brands to move to new levels of investment and commitment to payoff 'show me you know me, add value in my community and share my interests' to earn first choice preference.


  • 22 practical insights for engaging locally—avoiding assumptions, trite communications & missteps
  • 70 research-informed opportunities to increase brand love, connection & share
  • Identification of priority underperforming neighbourhoods with explainers, marrying syndicated data with our on-the-ground retail reviews and consumer segmentation
  • Market-by-market docuseries, making the local culture, findings and recommendations real and tangible to motivate stakeholder engagement and secure funding

Client Quote

This allows us to put points on the board NOW and increase our relevance for competitive advantage.

VP Strategy & Insights