We scanned the world for baked goods trends to understand the current landscape, which identified the hunting ground for innovation within future rituals impacting school runs, competing with screen time and ingredient preferences.
To inform our innovation platforms, we hit the streets of Chicago for an Innovation Safari inside their famous local bakeries. We curated a 48-hour trip of immersive experiences to uncover the latest ingredients, formats and trends within baked goods.
Through an Innovation Sprint with expert bakers at the French Pastry School, we turned our rough ideas into fully baked concepts in real-time, with the help of French Pastry School Founder – Chef Jacquy Pfeiffer (and his whole brigade of bakers). Through rapid prototyping and co-creation with a team of Moms, we were able to identify and prioritise the concepts that would satisfy the needs of them and their kids.

Innovating with Moms not just in mind but in the room is essential to gaining their trust and aligning with their values and well-being priorities. These invaluable insights and ideas can help you forge lasting connections and drive brand loyalty that extends across generations.