We interviewed tenured employees, new hires and candidates who rejected employment offers to uncover why people joined and stayed with the company and the barriers to securing new talent.
We executed workshops with stakeholders, gathered perspectives across all functions and completed benchmarking analysis to establish a North Star brand direction with a compelling, ownable identity.
Building with the lead client and project team, we brought together a brand architecture, creative direction, messaging, and plug n' play assets for a multi-year campaign and communications program.

"A small body of determined spirits fired by an unquenching faith in their mission, can alter the course of history," said Mahatma Gandhi.
The collective commitment of the client, the CHRO and the CEO's desire to reinvigorate employer brand pride, as well as their belief in the company vision, opened up possibilities.
The solution required realizing an inspiring, ownable and arresting embodiment of a value proposition that not only sells the brand story but is a constant call to action to the consumer for belonging and pride in the brand. Only in this case both the applicant and employee were the consumer.