We needed to get senior stakeholders' attention, so we created a tangible 7-year consumer view, highlighting two growth opportunities focused on sustainability and convenience. To ensure we stretched our thinking, we gathered real-world insights from leading experts in their field as we visited circular living experts, explored the future of retail, and ran a Think Tank with experience design specialists.
We needed to ensure the client could 'act on it today', so we collaborated with their existing consumers through rapid prototyping to create product and experience concepts relevant to our core audience.

"The best way to predict the future is to create it," said Peter Drucker, but most brands are so focused on the now that they cannot look up and see what's coming down the road.
Making time to look to the future gives brands a new perspective. Winning brands unlock competitive advantage by acting on it today and engaging with today's consumers to stay relevant and take a progressive approach to brand building.