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The fitness coach that fits in your pocket

Shapemate integrates their AI-powered fitness coach within WhatsApp.

What is this about?

Shapemate is an AI-powered fitness chatbot integrated into WhatsApp that's revolutionising personal health management. Shapemate offers a comprehensive toolkit for nutrition advice, calorie tracking, creating personalised workout plans, and multilingual support, empowering users to manage their fitness goals effortlessly.

Shapemate app on a phone screen

Why is it interesting?

With over 100 billion messages already sent daily on Whatsapp's platform, the AI integration makes fitness guidance as seamless and routine as messaging friends. This plays into our Future Code Wellthy Living and its opportunity for 'Inclusive Wellbeing' - a space where brands make their products and services affordable and accessible for all.

So What?

Shapemate meets users where they already are, eliminating the need to juggle multiple apps or platforms - using AI to entice behaviour change and breaking down the barriers to fitness and health while catering to a global audience of all levels. The opportunity for other brands is not just in its technological innovation but in its ability to combine seamless integration, personalisation, and accessibility - making your product a natural, integrated part of daily life.

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